sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011


they say thet maby justin is gsona be father because selena gomez is pregnant but ther still nobory nows if justin is or no but i am gona sa it if he is or not

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

justin in chile

hi all fans of justin bieber that are fans in chile there are 48 days left for the concert of justin bieber in chile it will be so exiting you have to start buying thing like 3 purple globes for the song up and  a cardboard with a smiley face drawn ok that all at the moment but i am gouing to be with more news very 


lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

you know?

do you know that justin drew biebr mallete was born in de year 1994 in the 1 of march one tusday at 12:35pm an his sign for the horscope is picics

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

justin bieber in chile

hi chileans fans of chile justi bieber is going to come to chile is going to be extiting  iam going to go and you a dont now when it is but i will say it to you later bye